Mindfulness Programs for Your Organization
Thriving in Challenging Times
Members, employees and alumni of your community are living in a world turned upside down by a two-year pandemic, navigating an increasingly blurry line between personal and work life exacerbated by technology. They are seeking ways to gain balance and live more authentically while feeling supported and connected to the organizations and communities important to them.
Our online offerings provide a sense of community and shared experience for your members while they develop skills to navigate life with increased intention, spontaneity, creativity, calm and joy. Learning these skills through a program sponsored by you, your members will develop deeper, more authentic relationships, dramatically enhancing their sense of engagement and connectivity.
“From our members I have heard people say, 'This has totally changed my life,’ ‘It has had a transformational effect on how I relate to our chapter,’ and ‘It’s the best thing I’ve ever done in YPO.’ As Chapter Chair, I believe Jake’s program has transformed the level and quality of engagement in our chapter.”
Roger Feldman, Chapter Chair, YPO Gold US Capital Chapter (2019-2020)
What is Mindfulness?
From a participant:
“When I am open-hearted, operating from an “undefended position” I can see my own actions and the actions of others with a spirit of generosity, patience and grace.”
Linda Youngentob, former CEO, College Tracks
How do you best develop mindfulness?
Our intention is to support your members as they progress along their unique path of personal growth, learning and connecting with their inherent, inner-wisdom and true nature.
To go far in this journey, we know the path of self-discovery is best traveled in the company of like-minded peers.
When people meditate together in this kind of community, it is as if they are planting the seeds of their best wishes for themselves in the rich soil, sunshine and nourishing atmosphere of people who will understand them, encourage them, and wish the best for them.
A Message to Participants
The busier you are, the more you need to slow down.
With greater mindfulness you develop the ability to respond to life’s challenges with wisdom and compassion. You become more intentional, spontaneous, creative and open to joy.
We are deeply committed to providing you with dynamic trainings to help you master the art of calming and stilling your mind and accessing your true inner wisdom to develop intuitive, fulfilling solutions to your personal, family, relational and career challenges.
We will help you to develop these skills through teachings, meditations and small group shared learning experiences with your community peers.
Interested in booking a program or presentation for your group?
Contact us at programs@transformationaljourney.me